Price: There isn't a gate fee, but we will be collecting any donations to support tree planting at Montgomery Bell.
Description: The ground beneath the Twilight Citadel rumbles this spring. Awakening after centuries of slumber, great beast rise from the depths. The realm calls for all abled body fighers to help beat back this invasion! We call on all others to provide aid in researching and observing the beasts. Fighters and tactical support are called to start rallying at the park at 10 AM for equipment check.
Keep an eye out here to be notified as more intel becomes available.
Current schedule:
Troll Opens: 10 AM
Weapons Check: 10 AM - 12 PM
Pickup Battles: 11 AM - 12 PM
Scenario 1: 12 - 1 PM
Tournament 1: 1 - 1:30 PM
Lunch: 1 - 2 PM
Scenario 2: 2 - 3 PM
Tournament 2: 3 - 4 PM
Pickup Battles: 3 - 4 PM
Troll Closes: 4 PM