Belegarth Board of Directors

  • President - Seeker Hakan Shattered-Spear

    Mundane Name: Ze Snow

    Started Fighting: 2004

    Realm: Rath (Boise, ID)

    Unit: Brotherhood of the Falcon

    Why did you want to become an officer?
    ROUND 2! But also it's another opportunity to step up and support the community I've been part of for the last 20 years; having the chance to do so without being in the midst of a global pandemic (fingers crossed) sounded like a better time, plus I'm older and somewhat wiser now. Or, I at least understand the demands of the position better this time around

    What do you do as an officer?
    I'm the President, largely that means I'm responsible for making sure everyone is doing the things we've promised to do in a timely manner; It also means that "the buck stops here" so I try be the one that steps up and talks through any complaints or criticisms The Board™ may face, as ultimately, the blame will lay at my feet. So! If you have anything you need to be heard, or ideas for change for a better future, please send them my way :)

  • Vice President - Squire X

    Mundane Name: Kristopher Teske

    Started Fighting: 2007

    Realm: Bael Turath

    Unit: Grayscale

    Why did you want to become an officer?
    Belegarth has done a lot for me over the years. I wanted to give back to the community while also working on my own personal goals.

    What do you do as an officer?
    I am Chair of the War Council and aid in other projects as needed.

    Profile Image Credit: LoreBuilds on Facebook.

  • Secretary - Sir Roland the Monarch

    Mundane Name: Keaton Michael


    Started Fighting: 2007

    Realm: Shaolin Badlands

    Unit: Brotherhood of the Falcon

    Why did you want to become an officer?
    I very care deeply about the Belegarth community and want to contribute to its continued success and development. Officers often help maintain a positive environment, foster inclusivity, and ensure the smooth functioning of events and practices. I feel it is no secret that the Bel community has gone through difficult times in the last few years since Covid. Being an officer allows me to influence the direction of the community towards real positive change.

    What you so as an officer:
    I am the current Secretary. Previously I served as the Vice President in 2021 as the game exited COVID lockdowns. Now in my second term in a different position I feel I have found the position where I can be comfortable and make the most positive impact.

  • Treasurer - Stormcrow

    Mundane Name: David Andersen


    Started Fighting: 1999

    Realm: Numenor

    Unit: Dark Guard

    Why did you want to become an officer?
    I love participating in Belegarth and, given my background, the treasurer position is where I feel I can do the most good. I feel strongly that a healthy organization requires up to date financial information and strong financial controls.

    What do you do as an officer?
    I produce financial reports and help with matters related to that area (finances, compliance, etc).

  • Public Relations Coordinator - Old Man Forrest Panda

    Mundane Name: Forrest Locklear


    Started Fighting: 2008

    Realm: Pyke the Ironport

    Unit: Dark Angels

    Why did you want to become an officer?
    I wanted to give back to the community that has given me so much. I want to improve communication and coordination across the country as it grows.

    What do you do as an officer?
    I manage the social media pages, build online community engagement, and assist other board members in various projects.

  • Webmaster - Nys

    Mundane Name: Paige Haberkorn


    Started Fighting: 2015

    Realm: Sand Plains

    Unit: Jester’s Court

    Why did you want to become an officer?
    I have the skills and can help, so I do.

    What do you do as an officer?
    Websites and other such nonsense.

    Profile Image Credit: Timber

  • Secretary Assisstant - Galya Grikhunter, Witchdoktor

    Mundane Name: Aleson Joy


    Started Fighting: 2006

    Realm: Tir Asleen

    Unit: Horde

    Why did you want to become an officer?
    I have some previous experience, and a wide range of access and knowledge to assist the board with their goals.

    What do you do as an officer?
    I am here to assist the secretary, and the officers at large.

  • NPO Advisor - Sir Desi the Draco, A Right Bastard

    Mundane Name: Rux Woods


    Started Fighting: 2013

    Realm: Avalon

    Unit: Brotherhood of the Falcon

    Why did you want to become an officer?
    When the Board shared that they were looking for creative options for fundraising and increasing donations, I offered my support and service to Belegarth. In "real" life, I work in higher education fundraising and nonprofit management.

    What do you do as an officer?
    As the NPO Advisor, I provide feedback and guidance around nonprofit compliance, fundraising, and other organizational needs. My goal is to provide clarity in the nonprofit space as BMCS continues to grow and prosper.

    Profile Image Credit: Pip