Monster Mash VII: Clash of the Cryptids
The Grayscale Crew presents Monster Mash VII: Clash of the Cryptids.
We will be using Belegarth's Book of war.
The event will be held at the traditional location, Tosanak Recreational Area in Marble Rock, Iowa.
The park has some pretty awesome trails, a river that people can play in at their own risk, and several cabins that can be reserved through the park.
There are also several bathrooms and showers on sight.
Pre Reg will open up early February.
We will also have a seperate Pre-reg only feast for saturday night.
We plan to have fighting tournaments, silly tournaments, off field games/quests, and whatever else people descide to throw together.
Pre Reg
Thursday $30
Friday $25
Saturday $20
At Door
Thursday $35
Friday $30
Saturday $25

Western Wars XVIII
Save the date, y'all. It's time to hitch up your wagons and get on out to Wild, Wild, Western Wars 18! Western Wars is back and bigger than ever! After a phenomenal return in 2023, Western Wars is once again bringing you the best time that Western Belegarth has to offer! Craft Fairs, Film Festivals, Live Music, Role Playing Adventure Quests, Mysterious Smells? and whole lot of boffer fighting excellence.
This year is gonna be rootin', tootin', and, I cannot stress this enough, hootin'. Buckle up!
Western Wars 18 will be held at Camp Wilkerson Park, in Rainier, Oregon on May 24th, 2024 through May 27th, 2024. (Memorial Day Weekend).
Check out westernwars.org for registration information.
We hope to see you cowpokes there!

The Great Northlands Bake Off
The Kingdom of Northlands is proud to present: THE GREAT NORTHLANDS BAKE OFF. Join us for the Northland's first event of the season! Don your aprons and chef hats as we go on a quest to create the greatest Cosmic Brownie.
Weapons Check 10-12
Pick-up battles at 12pm
Scenario battles 12:30pm
Heralded battles end at 5pm
Here is our waiver, please fill it out!
The park does not have a ton of shade so bring a canopy to set up if you would like.
This is a Belegarth event and we will be using that rule set. In addition to the rules we will be allowing healing poems- plus, chefs hats and aprons will count as armor.
Cosmic brownies will also count as healing potions.
To clarify- this is a FIGHTING event- not a baking one (though there may be an edible art section to the a&s?!!?)
Apprentice Eisenbär will be hosting an Arts and Sciences competition - more on that to come.

Olympics XIX
Welcome to Mittelmarch, a mystical place that travelers find by entering the Mist. The Mist brings people from other worlds and times, both moral and wicked alike. Be wary on your travels, friend; elves and dwarves, knights and thieves, halflings, orcs and other sorts wander this place. Here you live and die by the sword, so keep your shield up and your blade sharp.
Olympics XIX is a long weekend of field battles, single and group tournaments, competitions, classes and more. See you at Camp Sertoma in April!

Bladed by the Beach
Welcome to the combined first fighting event! we will be primarily fighting Belegarth, but will have HEMA, SCA, and lightsaber fighting as well! We will also have, and welcome, non-fighting events as well. We hope to see as many people as possible while we start up what will be a great tradition!
We are still putting together the schedule but here is what I've got so far. I will be adding information to this page as we get it! Please bare with us while we get everything sorted out.
•check in opens at 2pm(may change) Feel free to arrive and setup camp any-time before that, but there will be no run events prior to this.
•open pit at 2pm. The field will be open to any fighting that people want to do, this will not be heralded fighting. (This is before weapon check, so please be safe)
•lightsaber fights! After dark we will have open fights with the lightsabers
•assassin tournament. The entire weekend there will be an assassin tournament going on it will be run by Bradda Unko Nanz
•weapon check 9-10AM. All boffer weapons must be checked before any field fighting. Reds and projectiles must be checked every day. All others only need to be checked once. All non boffer weapons will be checked for safety by the volunteers leading that event as they see fit.
• field fighting/games 10-dark Schola Saint George will have 2 hours of dedicated field time.
•there will be the following tournaments and events that do not have a specific time yet. Tower siege (boffer, and SCA) Single blue tournament, Rapier fighting.
•Feast! A lovely feast will be prepared by the one and only Ryan Castle!
•lightsaber fighting after dark
•weapon check 9-10AM. All boffer weapons must be checked before any field fighting. Reds and projectiles must be checked every day. All others only need to be checked once. All non boffer weapons will be checked for safety by the volunteers leading that event as they see fit.
•Open field, the SCA will have the first two hours of open field fighting before we open it back up to belegarth.
•there will be the following tournaments1150.1E and events that do not have a specific time yet. HEMA tournament, red tournament, volunteer auction.
If there are any events you wish to run, add, or help with throughout the weekend please reach out to Jeremy Bonno (Tulkadan) or Will Drayko (Drayko) and we will gladly accept your help.

Dur Demarion Home Opener - Rise of Monsters
Price: There isn't a gate fee, but we will be collecting any donations to support tree planting at Montegomery Bell.
Description: The ground beneath the Twilight Citadel rumbles this spring. Awakening after centuries of slumber, great beast rise from the depths. The realm calls for all abled body fighers to help beat back this invasion! We call on all others to provide aid in researching and observing the beasts. Fighters and tactical support are called to start rallying at the park at 10 AM for equipment check.
Keep an eye out here to be notified as more intel becomes available.
Current schedule:
Troll Opens: 10 AM
Weapons Check: 10 AM - 12 PM
Pickup Battles: 11 AM - 12 PM
Scenario 1: 12 - 1 PM
Tournament 1: 1 - 1:30 PM
Lunch: 1 - 2 PM
Scenario 2: 2 - 3 PM
Tournament 2: 3 - 4 PM
Pickup Battles: 3 - 4 PM
Troll Closes: 4 PM See less

Wolfpack Opener
Indoor fighting event from 11am to 4pm in the Horton Field house on campus at Illinois State University I'm Normal, IL (Negative COVID test or Vac card required for this post holiday, indoor event)

The Swamplands present Frostbane, a Belegarth Event hosted at the River Forest Group Campground.
45700 River Forest Blvd Deland, Florida 32720
Arrive as early as Thursday 4:00 pm and check out by Sunday 10:00am! Come for battle games, night fighting, tournaments, A&S Tournament, and fun!
MORE INFORMATION WILL BE PROVIDED AT A LATER DATE! If you wish to volunteer, reach out to the respective Area Head
Current Event Staff
Head of Troll: Diz
Head of Weapons/Arrow Check: Blademaster Ragefire & Kida
Head of Battle Games/Heralds: Sir Piknik, Farren, and Squire Mongoose
Head of Tournaments: Blademaster Fox
Head of Arts & Sciences: Bacon & Itazura
Head of Night Fighting: Wayward
Head of Security: Bulwark
Please adhere to the safety rules and requirements, they are for the good of all participants!
Remember that this event is run 100% by volunteers. Please help us help you, we ask that you clean up your trash, both on the field and at your camp. This makes our work much easier!
Finally, we must obey all state and federal laws. There is no underaged drinking allowed. No illegal substances are allowed. Keep the fighting to only foam weapons and only on the field. If anyone gets out of hand we will call the police.
This event is run by the collective Florida Realms of The Swamplands, our common goal is to give Florida the opportunity to enjoy foam fighting sports. We have worked hard to find affordable, centrally located camp sites that we use for both fighting and feasting. We ask you to fight and have fun while showing respect to the event staff, the campsite, and the government laws. Thank you for helping grow Belegarth in Florida! See you at Frostbane!
955 S Woodland Blvd, DeLand, FL 32720
1050 New York Ave W, DeLand, FL 32720
299 E International Speedway Blvd, DeLand, FL 32724
Dollar General
745 N Spring Garden Ave, DeLand, FL 32720
BP gas station
2185 West New York Avenue W, FL-44, DeLand, FL 32720
100 Spg Gdn Ave S, DeLand, FL 32720
1700 S Woodland Blvd, DeLand, FL 32720
Advent Health DeLand Hospital
701 W Plymouth Ave, DeLand, FL 32720
MedExpress Urgent Care
1328 N Woodland Blvd, DeLand, FL 32720

Battle for the Ring XVI - Ride the Worm!
Join us for a private Battle-game and LARP event using rules from Belegarth Medieval Combat Society. Classes, Tournaments, prizes, sweet treats, A&S competitions, arts, medieval battle-games and camping!
Pre-registration is $60 to battle4thering@gmail.com or check, message event for address. $80 at the door. Pre-registration closes December 15th. 4 days of camping, sweet treats provided Saturday and Sunday.
At this time, Battle for the Ring will not be requiring attendees to be vaccinated or show proof of vaccination. However, these guidelines are subject to change based on federal, state, or local public health guidelines. We reserve the right to change vaccine and mask policies at any time based on current community health guidelines. If policies change, the event description will be edited and a post will be made and pinned. For any questions or concerns, please email battle4thering@gmail.com.

Chumpsgiving 2023
It's almost time for the Second Annual Post-Covid Chumpsgiving! (Not to be confused with the many, many annual pre-Covid Chumpsgivings.)
Come visit a touristy brewery town for a long weekend and fight some nerds before we deal with the actual holiday. We will have an indoor fighting space reserved for plenty of whacky bats. We will have field-side crafting. We will have a Saturday night potluck party with board games, video games, and a pinata! All we need is you!
Bend has plenty of beautiful vacation rentals that can be very affordable split among a group. But, also, Kelik and I have a guest room, a nursery that can easily become a second guest room, and a giant couch available. (Must be comfortable with large dogs and small human puppy.)
There is no event fee, but anyone who can give a small donation to help us cover the cost of reserving the indoor space is much appreciated! If we happen to get donations beyond the cost of the indoor space (woo!) that will go towards our fund to get new Babylonians to Battle for the Ring!

Winter War '23
A visit to Winter War is a step into the surreal. Stand with Knights, Shield Maidens, Orcs, Goblins, Elves, and fantastic warrior creatures of all shapes and creeds. Fight until the sun fades and socialize until the moon sets! Battle with hundreds of competitors, compete in tournaments against the best warriors in the land.
Whether you’re a regular or looking to join your first ever event, you’ve come to the right place. Winter War is the premier foam fighting event in the South for people of all ages and from all walks of life.
With a growing team of organizers, dedicated units for weapons check, scenarios, tournaments, and entertainment on Friday and Saturday nights, Winter War is looking to be bigger and even better every year!
We would like to thank our vendors and patrons for their continued support in the past and for years to come. You are the life blood of these games we so love.

War 2023
$5 Entry, snacks included
11:00am - Gate/Weapons Check opens
12:00pm - Team balancing begins
1:00pm - First half begins
Dusk - Off site, per park rules
Two teams battle to conquer and defend territories along several terrains: bridges, woods, open field. If you want a break, take it yourself, but the battle will keep going. This is an event for people who like to fight.
• Three hours of combat with a 30-minute halftime
• Teams are balanced prior to the main battle; players must be present during the balancing stage.
• Each team is awarded Valkyries (mobile resurrection points) with limited charges. Touch-and-go resurrection points are located near your team’s starting Castle (Castle switches each half).
• A team representative will flip a coin prior to the start of the WAR; victor will choose either their first Valkyrie OR pick their preferred beginning Castle.
• Defend your team's Castle (1 pt per minute held)
• Capture Territories (3 pts per minute held)
• Capture the Enemy Castle (5 pts per minute held)
• Locate and protect Pumpkins hidden on the battlefield for extra points at the end of each half (pts vary per pumpkin)
• At least 1 person must be within 10 feet of the territory flag / within the Castle walls to maintain control for their team.
• A herald with a stopwatch will keep track of time held per team.
• There is no "contesting time" at territory points; once a team claims the point, that team holds the point until all nearby players of that team are eliminated.
• The herald will switch the territory “flag” when control of a territory has changed (Do. Not. Argue. with the Herald).
• Reinforcements and their Valkyries must enter the castle through the castle doors; the ‘dead’ may exit through the back of a castle for safety purposes.
• Weapons cannot pass through or over castle walls (Melee or Projectile); projectile weapons deal damage through castle doorways only.
• Valkyries are mobile resurrection points with limited charges; they can resurrect their team members from anywhere but will maintain distance from large battles. The exception is inside castle walls, so long as their team has control of the castle.
• Valkyries cannot be killed and do not heal limbs or weapons (they only resurrect lives).
• Valkyries must enter the castle with their team. They cannot enter a castle through an enemy team group OR float through the castle walls (except when they are out of charges and considered ‘dead’)
• Once a Valkyrie has used all their charges, they must leave the territory or castle to recharge.
• Healing is encouraged due to the unique size of the WAR battlefield.
• Healers must submit their healing poem for approval at weapons check; healers will receive a white armband and must display the band during WAR.
• Healers must follow the Mittelmarch healing rules (see post for specific guidelines).
• All participants must submit a Mittelmarch waiver
• Fighting-age minors (age 16-17) must attend with their legal guardian or an adult chaperone and a notarized waiver
• Olympics XVIII (2023) attendees do not have to submit again UNLESS the participant is a minor, who must submit a NEW waiver at Gate every event.
• Sign the online waiver (for those 18+ years of age):

Oktoberfest 2023
Site Owner: Gregg Larson, Sir Kegg
SITE RULES: https://docs.google.com/.../1n4X8ddn44RRrLX.../edit...
LOCAL INFORMATION: https://docs.google.com/.../1lkIEfs9yMH4jPVjw3l8I.../edit...
Must contact: Michelle Mundo, Squire Elwing
Deadline to apply: 9/27/2023
No Extra Vendor Fee
Vendors will Need a Parke County Indiana Temp Vendors Permit.
Lead Event Coordinator - Sir Misti
LEC Shadows - Squire Pippin and Squire Solaris
PR - Fancy
Troll - Squire X
Troll Shadow - Nao
A&S and Classes- Master Kyrnn
Weapons Check- Squire Pippin & Squire Solaris
Arrow Check - Squire Maverick
Hospitality - Squire Plague & Squire Taurus
Security - Squire Siafu
Tournaments - Squire Fingolfin
Marshal - Squire Elyas
Marshal Shadow - Stormcrow
OKTOBERFEST BANNED LIST: https://docs.google.com/.../1vVnRxaWD2eMr.../edit...
We recommend you follow the advice of your health care professionals and CDC recommendations to help prevent the spread of infectious disease. Please be mindful of washing your hands regularly, being respectful of other members personal space and STAY HOME IF YOU HAVE ANY SYMPTOMS OF ANY ILLNESS.
Wed - $40
Thur - $40
Fri - $30
Sat - $20
Wed - $45
Thur - $45
Fri - $35
Sat - $25

Battle for Teutoburg Wald: Festival of the Hunt
Welcome to the first Battle for Teutoburg Wald: Festival of the Hunt!
Collaboration by the realms of Rath and Riften, join us for a weekend of classic fighting and fun with a twist of new adventures!
Camping, Community, Court, Raffles and all kinds of shenanigans, we can't wait to see you there!
More updates to come soon!

Eclipse VII: The Return
Spring Valley Campground: 8000 Dozer Rd, Cambridge, OH
Come join us in for Eclipse VII: The Return, a foam-fighting event hosted by the Imperial Guard and friends, as we celebrate the spirit of the grandfather tree.
Once a year, when the spirit of the fallen grandfather tree is the strongest it sends a call across the realms. The fighters, artisans, entertainers, and great beings alike come back to share in the energy that courses through this site for the hope of forging their own stories. And who knows with such great power what else might rise from the ground to come back and see the light again.
Website for Pre-Reg: Eclipse Campout
Payment: Paypal
What to Expect
Field Fighting - Friday & Saturday
Tournaments (Blue, Great Sword, Pole Arm, 3 Man, Archery)
Javelin Dodgeball
Brewing Competition
King of Games
Rule set
Belegarth rules with 180 syllable healing poems and healing staffs.
Covid Policy
Proof of vaccination or a negative test required. Negative test with a timestamp showing it was taken within 3 days of arrival.
Thursday: On-Site-$40 | PreReg-$35
Friday: On-Site-$35 | PreReg-$30
Saturday: On-Site-$20 | PreReg-$15
Pet Policy
Pets are allowed as long as they are well-behaved, with proper vaccination tags and identification, and are kept on a leash at all times. There is a $5 pet fee.
Vendor interest and and major questions/concerns can be directed to Abigail Hannah (aka Fox) or Mo Ozdych!

Event Site: Dur Demarion Equinox 2023 — Dur Demarion
We have primitive 2, 4, and 10 person cabins available. Cabins have electricity but no heat or linens. The 2 and 4 person cabins have bunks with mattresses. The 10 person cabins have no bunks but are equipped with fireplaces. You must pre-register to reserve one. Click here to see a cabin map. The cabins are popular and book very quickly.
Two person cabins are $100
Four person cabins are $200
Ten person cabins (aka counselor cabins 9,23,35) are $500
This price includes admission for two, four or ten people. If you do not reserve a cabin, come prepared to tent.
Admission Pricing
$40 - ages 16+ (Free ages 0-15)
$20 day pass
$50 merchant fee
500 mile discount: $20 entry
Google maps must say you live a minimum of 500 miles away at the shortest route to qualify. Address used will be one on your drivers license
Waiver Forms
If you are 18 or older, you may complete an online event waiver or sign a paper waiver at the gate. If you are a minor, you must bring a notarized copy of the minor form with you.
Adult Online Waiver or Adult Printed Waiver
Nightfire Treasures
An All Spiritual Place
Elder Squirrel Emporium
Gorg the Blacksmith
Forged Foam
Realms Cafe
Chase The Myth
Faeryfire Aromatherapy
Twisted Unicorn
Link to GPS Coordinates | Montgomery Bell, 1020 Jackson Hill Rd, Burns, TN 37029 then follow signs to Camp Ground 1.
More Information
For the latest information or assistance, please reach out to our facebook group or our facebook event page.
Monster Mash 6: Return of the Shenanigans
THAT'S RIGHT NERDS! IT'S BACK! Like a phoenix rising from the ashes or a hungover college student with a project due in the morning, Monster Mash has returned and hopes to be better than before. This year we’re going to Monster Prom!
The illustrious Aki will be hosting a night of lights, sound, and tomfoolery, so bring your finest attire and don’t forget to spike the punch!
Admission Pricing
$25 Thursday and Friday arrivals
$5 day trippers
Children 15 and under are free
Volunteer Sign Up
If you’d like to help us make this event awesome then sign up using the link below!
Event Staff
Head Troll - Orion Fubar
Head Marshal - Sif
Heads of Weapons Check - Grohiik and Fehu
Head of Security - X
Monster of Ceremonies - Aki
If you’d like to make our Monster Prom even better you can donate to Aki at the links below, and be sure to put ‘Monster Prom’ in the notes!
Paypal natelr@gmail.com
Venmo @Nate-Lawrence-Richards